Baby B is here!

We welcomed Benjamin Nicolas on March 20th. He weighed 8 lbs 12 ounces at first then they reweighed him minutes after 8 lbs 9 ounces. The nurses were confused then checked his diaper, a big poop. (HA!)

He has a head full of brown hair and has completely stolen my heart. I haven’t done much else besides hang out with him all day (and night) watching Hawaii Five-0 and endless Netflix series. I already completed House of Cards so there’s not much new on Netflix I haven’t seen.

I am just now getting a sense of regularity in my life 3 weeks into motherhood. He feeds every 2-3 hours during the day and at night naturally he waits 3-4 hours. Thank the heavens for that extra hour. I have only been breast feeding nowadays. The only time I supplemented was that first week. I had terrible trouble getting him to latch, my milk coming in, etc. At one point I developed a blood blister. I think it was due to the Breast Pump but I am all healed now and we have been successfully breastfeeding with no supplementation for 2 weeks.

With that said, he is now 10 lbs 7 oz. So he is getting enough to eat. As a new mom, I want everything I eat and do to benefit my baby. So with breastfeeding, I have even been avoiding caffeine–everything. No mimosas yet, unfortunately. I barely have time to focus on a set meal time so I have been eating lots of protein bars–the Luna Chocolate Chip Cookie dough. Yum.

Another big change, I lobbed my hair off. It’s trendy and all nowadays and it doesn’t hang in his face breastfeeding. Hello new life chapter.

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